Crankie Box Project:
A Storytelling Experience

This workshop introduces to storytelling through art and animation. The Crankie Box, a 19th-century invention, brings stories to life by slowly unwinding illustrated strips to create moving pictures.

After presenting the Crankie Box project to the teachers, they loved the concept and asked me to build 3 standard crankie boxes – and a giant version measuring 2m x 1.6m! To realise this vision, I collaborated with Yann Cauquil, a pædagog and architect working with me.

The Crankie Box project offers a complete and attractive way to learn a language, mixing fun, creativity and art. The workshop not only teaches the basics of storytelling and animation, but also stimulates collaboration through multiple roles in each performance:

Roles in the show:

  • Narrator: Tells the story
  • Cranker: Manages the scrolling of the illustration
  • Shadow puppeteer: Creates additional visual effects
  • Sound effects artist: Provides live sound effects

This hands-on experience is a fantastic way to develop language learning while encouraging artistic expression and teamwork.

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Designed for teachers, libraries, museums, therapists, after schools, and anyone with a passion for storytelling. Adapted successfully for both children and adults, and it can be a powerful tool for learning a language through a creativity education.

Option 1: Collaborative Storytelling & Live Performance

Available in English & French

A collaborative creative project in several sessions:

  1. Discovery & Exploration
    Learn about the history and practice of crankie theatre.
    Get an introduction to the basics of visual storytelling.

  2. Story Creation
    Work in groups to invent and write a unique narrative.
    Brainstorm plot, characters, and storyline.

  3. Illustration Phase
    Illustrate and design a story
    Work in groups to invent and write a unique narrative.

  4. Performance Preparation
    We provide a standard-sized Crankie Box
    Prepare and Share your creation with an audience through a live performance!
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Option 2: We Build Them For You!

Do You Want Your Own Standard or Giant Crankie Box ? Yann and I can build and deliver them with:

  1. A demonstration of how to use it.
  2. An introductory workshop to get you started.

After that, it’s all yours—use it however and whenever you want!

Yann Cauquil – Crankie Box Collaborator

Yann works in collaboration to build our specific and wonderful giant crankie box. His expertise as an interior designer have been helpful in creating our unique storytelling device.

Yann is a graduate of the Camondo School in interior architecture and environmental products (CESAIPE). Yann leads the plastic arts workshop in the Lycée Français Prins Henrik in Copenhagen, where he guides children in building models and scale models using mainly recycled materials.

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